In answer to the Queen’s wish, we are getting closer to that world. 

Here is why: 

- In 1986 we developed the technology and method for large scale separation and purification of pancreatic islets containing the insulin producing cells that are selectively destroyed (Type 1 Diabetes) or malfunction (Type 2 Diabetes) in Diabetes (

- In 1990 we performed the first successful islet allotransplants to reverse diabetes induced by surgical removal of the pancreas 

- In 1999 we demonstrated that it is possible to replace harsh immunosuppression with tolerance permissive immune-modulation 

- In 2003 we successfully completed a multi-center trial of the Edmonton Protocol in clinical islet transplantation

- In 2016 we completed successfully the FDA Phase 3 trials sponsored by the NIH to treat the most severe cases of Type 1 Diabetes

- In 2021 we demonstrated that 20 year survival after Islet Transplantation in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes is superior to insulin treatment alone despite the use of recipient immunosuppression 

- In 2021 we saved patients with Diabetes and severe COVID-19 by infusion of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

- In 2021 we launched to prevent or halt disease progression, in Diabetes and in the other Pandemics of the XXI Century: Viral (such as COVID-19), Autoimmune (such as Type 1 Diabetes), and age-related chronic diseases (such as Type 2 Diabetes)

- In 2021 we performed the first in human successful transplant of stem cell derived islets, possibly eliminating in the future the limitations imposed by the few pancreases available from organ donation

- In 2022 following successful preclinical studies, we are submitting an IND to FDA to perform the first in human clinical trial to eliminate the need for chronic recipient immunosuppression following transplantation

We will realize your wish, Your Majesty, and the wish of other hundred of millions worldwide.